Living God’s Way: Heart Change
God's love is so pure and genuine, for He doesn't choose sides and giving you a free will of of living a pure life too. For many years i live my life in shadows of evil and accepting the facts. Then one day I chose to be happy and have freedom of my soul. It wasn't easy at the beginning as I kept asking myself questions that one can't get answers for them but then I just made the choice to believe in God. I would love to share with you the following first step as to ways of Living God's Way. It's very inspirational from my favorite site (biblicalcounselinginsights) for enlightening me. I will post more steps in my upcomiNg articles.
Are you living life God’s way, or your own way? Do you know how God defines “successful living”? Are you letting God have His way in your life? God changes people from the inside out. It all begins with heart change that leads to personal transformation, which makes it possible to have healthy relationships.
Heart Change
Find New Life in Christ
While secular psychology offers many self-improvement techniques, none produce the transformation God desires. True heart change is only possible through our new spiritual birth—becoming a new creation in Christ—which produces lasting change.
Power for Life Change
Sometimes it’s a good idea to reflect on our behavior! Are we truly living the abundant life God has for us, or are we settling for less? One of the ways we can think about this is to ask ourselves, “Am I carnal or am I spiritual?” These are two biblical words with important implications. Knowing what these words mean, and understanding how they play out in our lives can determine the difference between having effective human relations and poor human relations. (read more from BCS)
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?
Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no-one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3)
Why do you need to be born again? What in the world does that mean? (read more from BCS)
Receive Christ
Jesus loves you. He offers you purpose in life, forgiveness for your sin, and eternity with Him in heaven. Beginning a personal relationship with Jesus is the most important decision anyone can make — a decision that has eternal significance. (read more from BCS)
How You Can Be Sure You Are a Christian
Millions of followers of Christ still remain unsure about their salvation. If you were to die tonight, are you confident that you would go to heaven? (read more from BCS)
Transformation through Spiritual Birth
How can you be born spiritually and begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? It is easy to stumble over the simplicity of what God offers us through His Son. You are born again or saved when you believe Jesus. He said that you have access to the peace of God through Him. The starting point is when you ask Him to invade your life…when you open the door and invite Him in.
He said: ”I will come in.” You either can or can’t point to a moment in your life when you made that decision. (read more from BCS)
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